Newborn Sessions

I cater fortwo types of Newborn session styles:


Lifestyle is much more natural looking family photos typically taken in your own home, with parents, siblings and the newborn. For this style, you dress/swaddle the baby yourself and it does not involve the use of any props.


Posed is more focused on the baby and involves a lot of wrapping and props - all supplied by me. It is typically taken in the comfort of your own home, and includes a few posed family photos against a backdrop and the majority of time spent on wrapping, posing and photographing the newborn.

When do you book?

It’s recommended that you schedule your newborn session PRIOR to your baby’s birth to ensure I will have a date open for you. Contact me during your second trimester and I’ll pencil you in for a date range around your due date. Call or email me as soon as you can after your baby is born to confirm your session time.

When do we shoot?

Newborn sessions must be scheduled within the first 14 days after birth. However, the BEST time is between 5-14 days after baby’s arrival. In order to get those adorable, sleepy images we all desire, it’s best to do the session while your baby is still unaware and tired from birth. Plus, babies just tend to do a lot better with the session within their first 7 days. Around 8 days old, babies figure out that they can streeeeetch out and it’s more difficult to get them into those scrunchy newborn poses. After day 14, it’s almost impossible to get baby into that deep sleep that came so easily in their first few days.

Where do we shoot?

Newborn sessions take place in the comfort of your own home. All I need is a room with good natural light that can be heated for baby’s comfort.

What time of day?

If at all possible, I always schedule the newborn sessions for first thing in the morning, anything from 9:00 – 12:00. This is a time when most babies sleep more soundly. Afternoon can be very tricky as they approach the afternoon witching hour. Anyone who has kids can attest to the fact that kids of all ages tend to not be at their best as late afternoon approaches. It is the same for newborns.

Remember to get in touch before your due date so that we can put it in the diary!


What is a Lifestyle Newborn Session?

Lifestyle photography is meant to capture real life, love and emotions as shown by each individual family member. Newborn lifestyle photo sessions typically take place inside the home to showcase a family’s everyday life. It is suppose to tell your family’s story and how this newly born little one has recently entered into it.

I aim to capture the intimate and natural moments of a newborn baby within their own home environment. Unlike traditional studio setups, lifestyle sessions focus on creating candid and relaxed images that reflect the family's unique style and personality.

What to expect

Because we are capturing babies in their natural environment, doing what babies do, I never take more than 2 hours in my lifestyle sessions. If we’re lucky, we can be done in an hour – but sometimes baby just needs a rest without the click of the camera, a diaper change, or a peaceful feeding. I plan for lots of breaks for baby (and parents) during newborn photoshoots so that everyone stays comfortable and engaged.

Be yourself

Dress for comfort. You can dress as low-key as you like in either color or pattern. Avoid plaid shirts or anything with logos. Leggings with a cozy sweater or shirt, or a loose-fitting dress all make for an easy outfit that works well for nursing. I love earthy tones that vibe with the colors in your home. Honestly, even with the many newborn lifestyle photo tips I can offer, you can still wear whatever is most comfortable for you!

Natural Light

Let's make the most of your home's natural light by creating a space free from clutter. The nursery is often a beautifully curated space, reflecting your love and care for your newborn. I'll use the window light to frame you and your baby, capturing your natural interactions. Remember, this nursery won't last forever, so let's showcase your carefully chosen décor.


Your home doesn't need to be perfect; a few clutter-free areas will suffice. This session is about capturing the love between you, your partner, and your newborn. If you have older children or pets, we'll include them in the photos too! Those spontaneous moments – a puppy's gentle nuzzle, a baby's yawn, or a tired cry – are precious and fleeting. As your newborn photographer, I'll help you slow down and savor these precious early days.

Lifestyle Newborn


What is a Posed Newborn Session?

At-home posed newborn sessions offer a unique and intimate experience, capturing the beauty of a newborn baby in the comfort of your own home. Unlike traditional studio setups, these sessions focus on creating artistic and posed images that showcase your newborn's delicate features and unique personality.

What to expect

For posed photos I will bring along the props and accessories, such as baskets, wraps, and backdrops. As you can imagine, this type of session takes a little longer than a lifestyle session, so plan to be busy for at least 2 -3 hours. I plan for lots of breaks for baby (and parents) during newborn photoshoots so that everyone stays comfortable and engaged.



Have the room heated to a warmer than normal temperature (27/28˚C) so be sure to wear something light and comfortable and be prepared to sweat a little. Newborns cannot regulate their body temperature therefore we heat up the room so your baby can be comfortable when we remove his/her clothing.

Loosen baby’s clothes

To save some time, I’ll ask you to wrap the baby in a blanket when I arrive with just the diaper on and feed while I set up. This way I don’t have to undress the baby once they’ve fallen asleep. Your baby will be semi-naked for most of the session so we want his/her skin to be its natural, flawless self.

Sleepy baby

All of those classic, sleepy newborn images we like to capture, require your baby to be in his or her deepest sleep. It may sound counterintuitive, but try keeping your baby awake 30 minutes to an hour just before our session time. Don’t stress if you cannot do this! It’s simply a suggestion but babies have their own ideas of when they want to sleep and that’s ok too.

Hungry baby

Getting baby into that Milk Drunk state is what we shoot for so try to wait to feed your baby until right before we start. Of course, we’ll take plenty of breaks for messes, feeding and cuddling. For breast feeding Mums, please be open to feeding on demand. For bottle fed babies, please have some extra bottles at hand.


If you plan on having some sibling images done, we’ll do those first and then the older kids will be able to leave with Grandma, Dad or whoever can watch them. Cream, ivory or white (without patterns or logos) is recommended for older siblings. The more texture the better (knit, lace, etc). They can be barefoot, so no need for shoes.

Parent Portraits

I always encourage parents to have a portrait taken with their new baby. These can make for some very tender images and I feel, as a parent myself, these moments are the ones that you will cherish forever.


Newborn sessions can last anywhere from 2-4 hours. The key to getting good images is to be patient. Relax and try to enjoy the quiet while I work.

Poo is alright!

I expect your baby to poop and pee all over the blankets and props. It happens! I wash everything after each session I do, so don’t worry about it. If you have any extra wipes or towels handy, keep them close for the session. I will always have some clean up items on hand too so don’t stress.

Props and backdrops

I have a great selection of props, hats, headbands, bowties, blankets, baskets and backdrops to choose from. Please be sure to discuss your desires with me before the session and let me know of any special items of your own that you would like to use.


Please keep a pacifier close for your baby, if only for the session, this will make the work much easier. Babies often love to suck, and it helps soothe them into the poses we’re looking for and makes for easier transitions and getting them to sleep. If your baby won’t take a pacifier or you do not feel comfortable offering one, don’t worry. I can work with whatever is right for you and your family.


I’m looking forward to spending some time with you & your family!